Take these steps to keep referrals up, customer trust high, and feedback positive COVID has crippled some industries and been a rising tide for[...]
Voice of the Customer (VoC) Resources
Top Voice of the Customer (VOC) resources for home builders and new home construction.
Customer satisfaction surveys have been the bedrock homebuilders use to gather their customer feedback. The thinking goes... We sell the home. Build[...]
Self-service is disrupting nearly every industry imaginable. It’s just a matter of time before online home buying is the new normal. If I told you to[...]
Tell me if this sounds familiar: Bob, the new COO, is preparing for his first meeting with the leadership team, poring over every number and report[...]
Ever wonder how home builders can improve the user experience with research and testing? In the ever-expanding world of User Experience (UX),[...]
In Parts 1 and 2 of this series, we covered the impact of a dedicated customer experience (CX) initiative to home building performance and the[...]
In Part 1 of this series on Customer Experience in the Home Building Industry, we made a case for improving the customer experience in the home[...]
There’s a saying that goes: “We have two ears and one mouth, so we can listen twice as much as we speak.” How often do we actually put this into[...]