Take these steps to keep referrals up, customer trust high, and feedback positive COVID has crippled some industries and been a rising tide for[...]
Home Builder CX
Articles and customer experience resources for home builders and new home construction.
The new home sales world has been flipped on its head lately. COVID concerns have forced us to start selling in new ways. Changing systems and[...]
One of the biggest mistakes any home builder can make is taking the user experience (UX) for granted. If you've read many of our articles, you know[...]
Rick, the ever-professional salesperson, arrived at the model home at his usual time. He meticulously went room-by-room to turn on all the lights[...]
Closing day for Scott and Jill has finally arrived. They couldn't be more excited and the looks on their faces tell the whole story. For months[...]
When is the last time you examined your Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) to be sure they're aligned with today's business environment? As those of[...]
Customer satisfaction surveys are a hot topic for home builders these days. For most of our builder partners, customer satisfaction and customer[...]
There’s a reason why most of us are in the home building industry. There’s nobility in it. We’re building homes where lifelong memories will be made.[...]