Starting in March 2020, the world, America, and the entire workforce entered into unprecedented times. We've all felt the effects: wearing masks to[...]
Customer Experience (CX) Resources
Customer Experience (CX) articles and resources for home builders and new home construction.
Self-service is disrupting nearly every industry imaginable. It’s just a matter of time before online home buying is the new normal. If I told you to[...]
One of the biggest mistakes any home builder can make is taking the user experience (UX) for granted. If you've read many of our articles, you know[...]
Closing day for Scott and Jill has finally arrived. They couldn't be more excited and the looks on their faces tell the whole story. For months[...]
When is the last time you examined your Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) to be sure they're aligned with today's business environment? As those of[...]
There’s a reason why most of us are in the home building industry. There’s nobility in it. We’re building homes where lifelong memories will be made.[...]
How do you measure the customer experience? As a customer experience (CX) consultant, I get that question all of the time from home builders,[...]
Augmented Reality for Home Builders
If you attended the Pacific Coast Builder Conference (PCBC) this year, you probably noticed one tech trend that stood out more than all the others:[...]