Self-service is disrupting nearly every industry imaginable. It’s just a matter of time before online home buying is the new normal. If I told you to[...]
Insights from Bokka: Jimmy Diffee
Jimmy Diffee
Bokka Co-Founder
Jimmy Diffee is the Co-Founder of The Bokka Group, a leading authority in the home building industry. With over 20 years of experience, Jimmy has revolutionized the home buying experience through innovative marketing strategies and cutting-edge technology. He is a sought-after speaker at major industry events, such as the International Builders’ Show and PCBC, and a regular contributor to leading publications like Professional Builder.
Working from home has become the new normal. For home builders in the 45 states that are still allowing construction to continue, it's a huge change[...]
There’s a reason why most of us are in the home building industry. There’s nobility in it. We’re building homes where lifelong memories will be made.[...]
How do you measure the customer experience? As a customer experience (CX) consultant, I get that question all of the time from home builders,[...]
Augmented Reality for Home Builders
If you attended the Pacific Coast Builder Conference (PCBC) this year, you probably noticed one tech trend that stood out more than all the others:[...]
Does it ever feel like there are too many home builder marketing tactics to keep up with? And which of them work best for your budget?
While almost everyone understands the benefits technology can bring, deciding which tools to integrate into your customer experience strategy can be[...]
As technology in marketing continues to grow and develop, you may have heard the term “lead intelligence” come up. But what exactly is lead[...]