Customer experience improvements turn into a dream campaign for midwest home builder Wayne Homes.

Improvements to customer experience for Wayne Homes results in 555 leads in 60 days. 7.7% conversion rate.


At The Bokka Group, we’re on a mission to not only improve the home buying experience but to quantify the effect of such improvements. Take for example Wayne Homes, a top 100 builder based out of Uniontown Ohio who invested in improving the user experience at the top of their sales funnel. This initiative, dubbed the Dream Home Campaign, resulted in an 8,375% increase in total leads in 60 days with a visitor-to-lead conversion rate of 7.7%.

The Challenge

There are inherent challenges to marketing an on-your-lot builder, because of the amount of education that needs to take place (to build on land vs. buying in a community). When targeting prospects, the pool of buyers includes those that haven’t considered buying their own land and building on it. As a result, much of the traffic to Wayne Homes website resulted in lead conversion rates lower than industry standards. In other words, many of the prospects that ended up on their site were scared by the concept of securing their own land, and never made the leap of faith to ask for more info (and engaging in the sales process). Just like with many community-builders, the problem for the buyers was they were not seeing enough value in starting the conversation. The problem for Wayne Homes was a visitor-to-lead below industry averages.


They took a page from their on-site (Sales Center) playbook and applied it to their web traffic. They have great success educating prospects that walk through the door because they take the time to build trust and educate buyers on the benefits of using a custom builder. This may not seem novel, but considering the low price point (and high volume) at which they build, they are like few other “custom” builders. And they found one of the highest- valued items they send home with their prospects is a welcome kit. So we decided to scale this strategy to their online visitors.

A dream campaign for both the buyer and the builder

The Dream Home Campaign

We analyzed the user experience for newcomers to the website and mapped a new route for those unfamiliar with Wayne Homes to help them quickly understand what’s unique about this home builder. We provided a landing page that gives them all the information they need to trust Wayne Homes, including testimonials, awards, reviews, video, and access to the great digital tools offered by the builder to help them visualize building a new home with Wayne, without leaving the comfort of their home. We created a custom Welcome Kit for these prospects as a “leave- behind” – to provide the same value they would get if they were to visit in person.

The Results

  • Campaign generated 555 leads in the first 60 days
  • 8,375% increase in total leads (compared to 56 leads during the previous 60 days)
  • Overall campaign landing page visitor-to-lead conversion rate: 7.7%
  • 1,825% improvement in overall visitor-to-lead conversion rate
  • Visitor-to-lead conversion rate from print ads: 13.5%