The construction phase is arguably the most complex and challenging part of the home buyer’s journey. With hundreds of activities, suppliers, and[...]
Insights from Bokka: Eric Lee

Eric Lee
Director of Customer Experience
Eric Lee is the Director of Customer Experience at The Bokka Group. He is a trusted consultant to executives and decision-makers, known for his keen eye in analyzing big data to identify process improvement opportunities and create actionable plans that deliver measurable results.
What if you had a tool that identified which of your sales office visitors would become buyers? Registration cards (AKA reg. cards) have long been[...]
The Power of Positive Reinforcement Creating a customer-centric culture doesn't happen overnight. It's a process that starts with a commitment by[...]
A builder recently came to me with a data question that many have wrestled with at one point or another: "What should we do with a list of past[...]
In many ways, homebuyers can easily regress to childhood behaviors. If they don't get an answer (or the answer they want to hear), they go from one[...]
Customer satisfaction surveys have been the bedrock homebuilders use to gather their customer feedback. The thinking goes... We sell the home. Build[...]
Rick, the ever-professional salesperson, arrived at the model home at his usual time. He meticulously went room-by-room to turn on all the lights[...]