CX and Marketing Research for Home Builders

The 2024 Home Buyer Conversion Report

Written by Jimmy Diffee - Bokka Co-Founder | Oct 22, 2024 6:47:43 PM

The Bokka Group releases new real estate marketing data in Fall, 2024. The latest Home Buyer Conversion Report provides new home builder marketing and sales insights.

If you’re like many builders seeking real estate marketing data, you often wonder which digital initiatives you should be investing in. There’s always some kind of buzz about the latest and greatest in disruptive technologies. Certainly, the next Uber is just around the corner and is going to shake up the industry. But what about right now? What influences them to buy homes today?

What do buyers currently want and expect from the builder’s digital experience?

That’s what the Bokka Group’s Home Buyer Conversion Report seeks to answer. We asked recent home buyers throughout the US what digital home builder tools and content influence them the most, whether online or in a sales center. From basic photo galleries to virtual reality model home tours, the Home Buyer Conversion Report contains real estate marketing data detailing which tools are most influential to Gen Z, Millennials, Gen-Xers, Boomers and beyond.

The real estate marketing data in this report answers the following questions every builder needs to know:

  • What attracts visitors to your website?
  • What is it about your website that keeps them around and convinces them to convert to a lead?
  • Once they become a lead, what influences them to visit a sales center or model?
  • When they show up, what on-site technologies affect their decision to buy from you?

The Home Buyer Conversion Report is the only study of its kind and in past years it has been featured in many publications and conferences, including:

  • Professional Builder Magazine
  • Sales+Marketing Ideas Magazine
  • Digital Transformation Summit
  • Housing Giants Leadership Conference
  • International Builder Show (IBS)
  • Pacific Coast Builder Conference

These are just a few highlights from the real estate marketing data in the new 2024 Home Buyer Conversion Report, which is free and will be sent to your inbox Fall of 2024 when you sign up below. Both builders and marketers alike can benefit from the insight provided in the report.